Reverse Osmosis. These advances are truly what make Sun Sui Water a top-grade quality product. Sun Sui Water surpasses the standards of the Philippine Drinking Water Standards. We can use any water from almost any source, such as local utilities wells or purify it through our state of the art Reverse Osmosis SLX Systems.

This process eliminates the inorganic minerals and chemicals that could be harmful  to humas. The state-of-the-art RO System will treat and refine any raw water into into a pollutant and contaminant free product using purely non-chemical processes. Sun Sui Water is guaranteed free from  Sodium, Chlorine and Lead.


Microbiological Control. To further assure that we maintain the high standard quality and safeness of our water, our Plant Quality Assurance Officers comply with all the DOH-FDA mandated daily microbiological tests. With a well-equipped water-testing laboratory, we are able to conduct our own tests to ensure maximum sanitation throughout the bottling process.